• Shop

    Instant access to hundreds of retailer discounts exclusively negotiated for essential workers.

  • Save

    Up to 60% discount, start saving hundreds of euros.

  • Earn

    Receive cashback on each order placed on Plus112. Yes, we pay you for using our platform.

  • Withdraw

    Transfer your cashback into your bank or Paypal account.

Shopping via Plus112

  • Disable Ad Blocking Software: Turn off any ad blocking software to ensure cashback tracking.
  • Empty Your Cart: Ensure your shopping cart is empty before starting your session through Plus112.
  • Check Special Conditions: Read the store's special conditions to confirm your purchase qualifies for cashback.
  • Complete Your Order: Use the tab opened through Plus112 to complete your purchase.
  • Revisit for New Orders: For each new order, revisit the store through Plus112.
  • Order Issues: If your order fails, return to the store via Plus112 within three hours to try again.

Cashback Do's & Don't:

  • Avoid Site Hopping: Don’t switch between different websites during your session as it can interfere with cashback tracking.
  • Use Same Browser Session: Complete your purchase in the same browser session without closing the tab or browser.
  • Clear Cookies: Clear your browser cookies before starting a new session to ensure accurate tracking.
  • Don’t Use Unlisted Voucher Codes: Using voucher codes not provided by Plus112 may invalidate your cashback.
  • Fees and Taxes: Cashback does not apply to fees, taxes, or bulk purchases.
  • Gift Vouchers & Discount Codes: In some rare cases, orders placed with gift vouchers or promo codes are not eligible for cashback or have reduced cashback. Please check the "cashback rates" section for more information.
  • Cancelled, Modified, or Returned Orders: Cashback will not be granted for cancelled, modified, or returned orders.
  • Orders via Mobile App: Orders placed through the store's mobile app are not eligible for cashback, except in rare cases mentioned in the "cashback rates" section.
  • Fraudulent Activity: Cashback is voided in case of fraudulent activity.
  • Agreement to the Terms and Conditions: By using our services, you agree to these terms and conditions. Please ensure you understand them to fully enjoy your cashback experience.